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What to Expect

Initial Pelvic floor consult duration: 45-60 mins


During your initial pelvic floor physiotherapy consultation, you can expect a comprehensive discussion and assessment tailored to address your concerns. Here's what typically happens:



  • Symptom Assessment:  You will be asked lots of questions related to your pelvic floor health to understand the nature and severity of your symptoms. This will include bladder and bowel function, sexual function, relevant obstetric and gynaecological history, prolapse symptoms, general health and fitness, past and recent surgical history, medications, pelvic pain, or other musculoskeletal symptoms. By carefully listening to your experiences and concerns, we gather essential information to inform our assessment and treatment strategies.


  • Pelvic floor Examination: This involves an external visual observation of the perineum to assess for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence on strain/bear down/double cough. This is followed by an internal vaginal or anorectal examination to assess correct pelvic floor muscle activation, tone, strength, endurance, and coordination of your pelvic floor muscles.


  • Education: You will be provided with education on pelvic floor anatomy and function, what happens when there is a possible pelvic floor dysfunction, and how it can impact various aspects of your health and well-being.


  • Treatment Plan and Goal Setting: Together with us, you will establish realistic and achievable goals for your pelvic floor rehabilitation journey. Based on the assessment findings, we will develop a personalized treatment plan which may include a combination of manual therapy techniques, pelvic floor muscle training, bladder /bowel retraining, education on lifestyle modifications, education on good bladder and bowel habits and self-management strategies.





What to expect in an initial and follow-up consult

Follow-up pelvic floor consult duration: 30 mins


You can expect 3-5 follow-up sessions. Usually, the first follow-up appointment occurs after two weeks, followed by a second follow-up appointment within another two to three weeks. The final follow-up appointment is scheduled for approximately one month later.

Depending on the complexity of your condition and the recommended treatment plan, we will advise you to schedule these follow-ups to monitor your progress, adjust your treatment plan as needed, and receive ongoing support and guidance. 


Remember that pelvic floor physiotherapy is a collaborative process, and your active participation and commitment to the recommended exercises and strategies are essential for achieving optimal outcomes.




Informed Consent 


It is essential to note that pelvic floor examination requires your informed consent. We ensure that you fully understand and feel comfortable with the examination process before proceeding. You have the right to ask questions, express concerns, or decline any aspect of the examination if you feel uncomfortable. We prioritize your comfort, privacy, and dignity and are committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all aspects of your care.

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